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Email xchange w young Burma friend

From: Jack 
To: Start Loving Sent: Monday, December 3, 2012 5:37 AM
Subject: Re: Your friend from Burma!

Hi Start,
How are you doing? I am really hoping you will remember me. This is Jack from Burma and we met some two years ago in front of the White House when I was there on a Youth Leadership Program and you impressed me with your strong determination in standing up for what you believe in. I have always hoped to return to the United States one day; to visit Washington D.C and meet with you again.
As of now, I was fortunate enough to receive a scholarship and come study Political Science at Washington & Jefferson College in Pennsylvania. I believe that my achievement today is a result of my interaction with a lot of people throughout life who have inspired me in many ways with their actions and life stories - You are definitely one of them.
I will be visiting Washington D.C again in 2 weeks for winter break and if by any chance I go visit the White House (which I most likely will), I will look for you, my friend..... Take Care
Best Regards,


Dear Brother, what a Joy to hear from you.

I have cancer, so this is making my schedule and where-abouts somewhat unpredictable.  And, it has dramatically reduced my access to internet, and hence this very tardy reply to you.

It would be immensely Joyful for me if I saw you again.  I strongly suggest that you scan my blog regularly, and even subscribe to the daily update if you like, so you can keep tabs on my whereabouts.  Here >>> Start Loving .

My clarity increases by the day that biologically, neurologically, psychologically, and counter-intuitively, there is a path to Joy, and only one - and it is in exactly the opposite direction from where our sick societies and cultures  ferrociously point us toward.  It is NOT in the direction of catering to our selfish, our fleshly desires - safety, long life, comfort, privilege, entertainment, excitement, sex, food....  It is in the opposite direction from that, every second, every breath.  Life, the Creator, Creation, the Forces of Creation... gave us our Flesh, our Body, for one and only one reason - to USE IT UP in the Service of the larger body of humanity, and when we do so, is the only, The Only, THE ONLY CIRCUMSTANCE in which our nervous system can and does reward us with the experience of Perfect Joy, Peace of Heart, Vitality, Life... the Heaven that all of History's Wise have tried to find, and direct us toward.  And those of us Blest with this Understanding, we can and do choose to so Live, and thereby reside in Heaven on Earth every breath, every second, with not the slightest concern for such things as our own physical death.

So Blessed by Hearing from you.  Note on my web site the tabs - I recommend to you with my entire being, that you read and use daily, as I do, a book I've written - "Unleashing Your Unviolent Warrior - a Personal Trainer."  It is free to download.  And with equal strength I recommend the book that created Gandhi, and that I study daily - "The Gospel in Brief," Leo Tolstoy, the Hapgood translation.

Your brother forever, no matter what, Loving

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